Welcome to Everything Villa, the blog which will keep you up to date with the latest news regarding Aston Villa Football Club. I am a life long supporter and currently own a season ticket in the Upper Trinity. Also please feel free to follow me on twitter, my username is @EverythingVilla and I will reply to any tweets sent to me.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Sign This Mcleish Out Petition

Before I start I would just like to clarify that this is not my petition, it was created from the people of mcleishout.co.uk and they must take the credit.

Now I know I have said in the past that I don't want to be seen as biased but screw that! I want Mcleish out just as much as the next fan so anything that could help with his removal must be supported.

As I write this it has been signed 1111 times out of the 10000 target. My signature is there and I hope yours will be too!


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